The exercises in the program originate from Amjad’s education and experience working as an Athletic Therapist. His clients’ improvements were short-lived without regularly performing specific exercises. The exercises would help manage pain and symptoms of all body regions (E.g. Neck, Back, Hips, Shoulders, Elbows, Knees).

He compiled all the exercises to make 3 separate programs:

  • Back & Neck Program
  • Lower Extremity Program
  • Upper Extremity Program

The exercise program is for everyone- sedentary and active individuals who are looking to manage their muscular pain and symptoms, as well as for those looking to improve their overall health and wellness by exercising with correct body mechanics.

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Access the program below

Made for both sedentary and active individuals to help you maintain body alignment/balance, and to maximize your flexibility and strength.

Movement Longevity Training Program

Back & Neck Program

Back & Neck Exercise Program

Upper Extremity Program

Lower Extremity Program

Key Points for Exercise Program

  • Perform each exercise and its’ progression gradually without experiencing pain or muscle strains and cramping.
  • Add more Repetitions and Time-Under-Tension (Holding for longer time) for exercises that:
    • Challenge your instabilities (E.g. makes you body shake or lose balance)
    • Cause a muscle-burn feeling in weak/tight muscles
  • The goal is to have a stable body while doing the exercises. You will know you have a stable body when you do the exercise without shaking or losing balance, as well as you are able to do repetitions and hold the exercise positions for longer time without experiencing any muscle fatigue or strain.