The Movement Longevity Training Program is a cost-effective, time-efficient, and long-term solution to your muscle and joint pain/symptoms, optimizing your health, wellness, and daily performance.

The exercises/movements in the program originate from Amjad’s education and experience working as a Registered Kinesiologist, Registered Massage Therapist, and Certified Athletic Therapist. While working with his clients, he recognized specific exercises/movements have long-term success in managing his patient’s Musculoskeletal pains and symptoms. His patients’ improvements were short-lived without regularly performing specific exercises/movements.

The exercises would help all body regions and their associated Musculoskeletal pain/symptoms. 

  • Lower back
  • Upper back
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Elbows
  • Wrists
  • Hips
  • Knees
  • Ankle/Foot

Amjad compiled the exercises to create a methodical Movement Longevity Training Program starting with the most important and essential basic movement exercises (Part 1) and proceeding to the advanced ones (Part 2).

The program is simple and easy to follow to help you exercise/move every day, placing great emphasis on correct body mechanics through visual and verbal instructions, and accessibility to be performed anytime and anywhere.

Get life-time access to the program for $299

Access the program below

Made for both sedentary and active individuals to help you maintain body alignment/balance, and to maximize your flexibility and strength.

Part 1

Performed Daily
3-10 repetitions for each exercise
5 seconds hold each repetition

Kneeling Backward Bend

Standing Forward Bend

Kneeling Forward Split-Lunge

Kneeling Side Split-Lunge

Side Lean/Bend

Spinal/Pelvic Rotation # 1

Spinal/Pelvic Rotation #2

Spinal/Pelvic Rotation #3

Part 2

Performed 2-7 days/weekly
3-10 repetitions for each exercise
2-10 seconds hold each repetition


Single-Leg Wall Balance

Side Plank with Clamshells & Leg Lift

Forward/Backward Split-Lunge

Face Pulls with Shoulder Press

Side/Side Split-Lunge

Bear, Front & Side Plank

Copehagen Plank

Key Points for Exercise Program

  • Perform each exercise progression detailed in the videos gradually without experiencing pain, muscle strains or cramping.
  • Try to achieve Symmetry/Balance between Left and Right side of body:
    • Location/region of tissues stretching and muscles engaging.
    • Strength of Right-to-Left upper and lower extremities.
  • Add more Repetitions and Time-Under-Tension (Holding for longer time) for exercises that:
    • Give you a tolerable good-feeling tissue stretch.
    • Challenge your instabilities (E.g. makes you body shake or lose balance).
    • Cause a muscle-burn feeling in weak/tight muscles.
  • Perform exercises in a quiet/non-distracting setting so you can give full focus and awareness to your body mechanics.
  • Watch the exercise videos with the goal of doing the exercises without visual or verbal guidance to improve your proprioception, so sound body mechanics become second nature to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is special about the MLTP?
  • The program is systemically and scientifically designed to guide you into safe and effective daily movement to improve your health, wellness, and daily performance.
  • The program focuses on correct biomechanics/exercise techniques to help maximise recovery and minimise risk of injuries.
  • The exercises in the program require minimal equipment allowing you to move anytime and anywhere.
  • The exercises in the program have been highly successful with helping manage patient’s musculoskeletal pains and symptoms of all body regions (E.g. Lower back, Upper Back, Neck, Shoulders, Elbows, Wrist, Hips, Knees, Ankle/Foot).
Can I start with Part 2 exercises, or do I need to always start with Part 1?
You are able to start with Part 2 exercises as long as Part 1 exercises are regularly performed as well.
Why are the Parameters for Part 1 exercises different than Part 2 (E.g. Part 1 performed daily, while Part 2 are performed 2-7 day/weekly)?
All exercises demonstrate essential movements that will help you achieve Movement Longevity; however, the program starts with Part 1 exercises that are basic functional movements and proceeds into more advanced ones in Part 2. For that reason, the basic exercises can be performed daily, while advanced ones 2-7 days/week (depending on each individual’s exercise tolerance and goals).
Should my goal be to be able to perform every exercise in the program?
Yes, all exercises will target different body structures, regions, and muscle groups. Being able to perform all exercises will improve your body’s alignment/balance, and maximizing your full body’s flexibility and strength.
Should I try this program if I already experience aches and pains in my body (E.g. Lower back pain, knee pain, upper back/shoulder tightness)?
Yes, you can. The program is systematically and scientifically created to help manage musculoskeletal conditions for the entire body. With that said, if you have a specific musculoskeletal condition, there will be exercises that can worsen your pain/symptoms. If you choose to proceed with the program, you should focus on pain-free exercises and book an in-person appointment at Symmetry Motions Clinic to determine which specific exercises will help treat your musculoskeletal condition.